V-Fit AR1 Artemis 2 Air Rowing Machine Review

Welcome to this review of the V-Fit AR1 Artemis 2 Air Rower review. Being equipped with a chain drive, this rower is designed for both home and gym use.


The Artemis 2 uses air resistance through the use of a flywheel. This means that the harder you row, the greater the resistance.

If you have previously used a Concept2 you may find that the resistance on this machine is more limited in terms of levels. However I found the level of resistance sufficient for my needs and always got a good workout. I use rowing as a cardio exercise and prefer to use weighted machines for muscle building.

The Artemis 2 machine comes with three monitors that have six functions. These monitors track strokes per minute, speed, distance, track time and number of calories burned. The monitors are easy to read and are run on batteries. Some people complain about the battery requirement but I prefer consistent power as I find the dyno power computers to be annoying and not as bright as battery powered monitors.

The Artemis 2 seat  is padded with contours which ensures a comfortable workout. The foot plates are specifically designed to pivot for natural movement, and they also feature a two-position mount with oversized adjustable footstraps. I am 6.1ft and was able to use without restriction but I suspect that it would not be as comfortable a workout for anyone over 6.2ft as the machine is only 83.5 inches long.

The machine folds in two and has 2 roller wheels at the bottom which makes int easy to move and store. After 6 months of consisten use the machine shows no signs of wear and tear and the quality of workout that it delivers has been consistent.


  • Folds in 2 for quick storage
  • 3 monitors with clear stats
  • Padded Seat, foot straps and foot plates are all adjustable
  • Solidly built and durable


  • Amount of resistance limited when comparing to other machines
  • Distance only tracked in kilometres.
  • May not be suitable if more than 6.2ft


In terms of mid range air rowing machines, there are not many better than the Artemis V2. It delivers a solid workout and has a smart design that allows you to easily store it in your house. It’s comfortable to use and is made from solid materials which will ensure a decent lifespan.

If you are looking for a rowing machine to complement your workouts or one to start from scratch,  you cannot go too far wrong with the V-Fit AR1 Artemis 2.

Check price on Amazon.co.uk

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